dear HUMANitarian
Service Without Sacrifice
Introducing Service Without Sacrifice

Introducing Service Without Sacrifice

A new limited podcast series from Dimple Dhabalia, author of Tell Me My Story.

Service Without Sacrifice is a limited series podcast created by Dimple Dhabalia to serve as a companion to her new book, Tell Me My Story. She says: "I wanted to provide you with different perspectives on hope, healing and human-centered leadership and I found that the meaningful and heartfelt conversations I had with some phenomenal leaders from across the humanitarian sector added depth to many of the concepts I discussed in the book. I’m so grateful to be able to share these conversations with you in the coming weeks and hope they give you greater insights into your own stories, wounds, and healing."

Don't miss the insights and transformative discussions in our upcoming episodes. Subscribe to "Service Without Sacrifice" for a deep dive into the world of humanitarian work, mental health, and the power of human-centered leadership. Share this podcast with your community and join us in challenging the narrative of service before self.

If you would like to support this show and the launch of Tell Me My Story, you can learn more at

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Discussion about this podcast

dear HUMANitarian
Service Without Sacrifice
If you feel like a life of service to others shouldn't mean constantly sacrificing your own health, well-being, and relationships, you've come to the right place. Dimple Dhabalia, a seasoned humanitarian and author of "Tell Me My Story–Challenging the Narrative of Service Before Self," has created this limited podcast series to explore the silent struggles faced by many in humanitarian work, diving into topics like vicarious trauma, moral injury, and the healing power of sharing our stories. Each episode brings an insightful discussion with a leader from the humanitarian sector, and explores themes of empathy, resilience, and the balance between serving others and self-care.
"Service Without Sacrifice" is more than a podcast; it's part of a movement to change workplace cultures across the humanitarian sector. Subscribe, share, and join us in challenging the narrative of service before self, and fostering a community where the human aspect of humanitarian work is celebrated and nurtured.